Formed in 2016, the Child-Friendly Housing Coalition of Alberta advocates for equal housing choices for all members of society, including parents with children under 18. We are a non-partisan group.

Our core objectives include:

  1. legislation that prohibits adult-only residential buildings (with the exception of supportive housing),
  2. changes to rental company policies that prohibit children, and
  3. more child-friendly housing stock.


Until recently, the Alberta Human Rights Act, RSA 2000, c A-25.5, only protected against age discrimination in the areas of publications and notices (section 3), employment practices and advertisements (sections 7 and 8), and membership in a trade union, employers’ organization or occupational association (section 9). Age was not a protected ground in relation to the provision of goods, services, accommodation or facilities customarily available to the public (section 4), or in relation to tenancies (section 5).

In January 2017, the Alberta government agreed to expand the Alberta Human Rights Act to include age as a protected ground under sections 4 and 5. This development was prompted by an application brought in March 2016 by Ruth Maria Adria under section 15 of the Charter, the constitutional equality rights guarantee, to have the omission of age declared unconstitutional and to have age added to these sections.

For more background information please check out the University of Calgary Faculty of Law blog post “Alberta Agrees to Amend Human Rights Legislation to Expand Prohibitions Against Age Discrimination.


In late 2017 the Government of Alberta passed Bill 23 to amend the Alberta Human Rights Act to prevent discrimination on the basis of age; as of January 1, 2018, those changes are now in force.

Rental buildings:

The changes mean rental buildings can no longer be designated “Adult Only” or have age restrictions unless they are designed seniors-only (age 55+).


Condos with existing age-restrictions have been given a 15-year transition period while all new condos will no longer be able to discriminate on the basis of age unless designated seniors-only (55+).

If you have questions about your right to accommodation for children in rental buildings, or to inquire about filing a human rights complaint for the denial of rental accommodation on the grounds of age please visit the Alberta Human Rights Commission website.